Consumables Workwear Lawn
Chainsaws Hedge
Brushcutters Blowers &

Workshop Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to customers who create a workshop booking with us. These terms are in addition to our general terms and conditions. Please read them carefully, as they apply to you from the point of booking.
Last updated 01/10/2024

Key Terms

  • “You”: Refers to the customer who is booking and receiving the workshop services.
  • “Us” / “We” / “Our”: Refers to Hertfordshire Garden Machinery LTD, the service provider.
  • Labour”: Refers to works carried out on the machine, including (but not limited to) estimation, disassembly, reassembly and diagnosis. For information on our current labour rates, please make an enquiry with us.

Terms & Conditions

  • You must report all faults You are aware of at the point of booking in each individual machine. You accept that any faults that are not reported by You at the point of booking may remain unrepaired by Us.
  • If works on the machine are interrupted by Your request after the machine comes in to Us, You are liable to pay an Estimate Charge of £25 for handheld/walk-behind tools or £50 for ride-on machines, or the cost of Labour spent on the machine, whichever is highest. This is to cover Our time disassembling and assessing the machine. You agree that the machine may be returned in a disassembled state, and if You ask Us to reassemble the machine for You, this Labour will be chargeable in addition to the previous costs.
  • All repairs will be subject to a minimum £25 non-refundable deposit (depending on size and complexity of the machine) at the time of booking in.
  • Any work required beyond standard servicing will be charged at Our standard labour and parts rate.
  • The first year service is NOT FREE OF CHARGE on any machine, purchased from Us or otherwise, unless explicitly agreed at the point of sale – this will be noted in writing on Your equipment invoice. You must provide proof of any special arrangement at the point of book-in, and We reserve the right to charge for any work carried out if You cannot do this.
  • All parts required for servicing (e.g. Spark Plugs, Oil Filters) are charged at the current retail price.  
  • We will notify You when We have completed works on Your machine. You must collect Your machine, or make arrangements with Us for redelivery, within 5 working days of Our first contact with You, unless You come to an agreement with Us that specifies otherwise. We will contact You via telephone including voicemail, email, and WhatsApp where possible. It is Your responsibility to ensure You check any contact methods left with Us. We have a web-based telephone system that logs all calls, texts and voicemails left. We will willingly share this information if required. 
  • If You fail to collect or arrange delivery of Your machine from Us within the timeframe above, You will be liable for Storage Charges of £3 per day for handheld and walk behind machines, £6 per day for ride on mowers and £10 per day for compact tractors and commercial mowers. 
  • You are responsible for testing Your machine on its return to confirm that any faults reported have been resolved by Us. You must notify Us within 7 working days of any unresolved faults.  Any faults reported outside of this period will not be considered a warranty comeback, and You may be charged for any further works required. 
  • You must pay Our collection / delivery charge in full regardless of whether works are completed or not. This is non-negotiable due to the ever-increasing cost of running vehicles. 
  • The Warranty only covers Manufacturer’s defects in workmanship and materials. It does not cover Blades, Belts, Cables or similar wearing parts, or operator abuse/error. You are liable for repair costs of any faults not covered by manufacturer’s warranty, including operator abuse / error, at our standard rate. Please refer to your owner’s manual for full terms and conditions of warranty. 
  • If We provide an estimate and You choose not to go ahead with the works, You will be liable for the cost of any deposits, the labour time on the machine and, if applicable, the collection / delivery costs of the machine. If You wish to collect your machine unrepaired, You must do so within 5 working days of Your decision to not go ahead with the repairs. If You do not collect your machine within 5 working days, We will store it for 1 month at the storage rates listed above. After 1 month, if You fail to collect your machine, We will dispose of it via Our recycling partner, and any monies raised from the disposal will cover the storage charges due.
  • You may ask Us to dispose of your machine via Our recycling partner, once You have settled any outstanding costs for works on your machine. We offer this service at no extra cost.
  • When You ask Us to dispose of Your machine, We will take this action as soon as reasonably practicable, and We will no longer be able to return the machine or provide any monetary value to You after this authorisation.
  • Our liability for any claims arising from the services provided will be limited to the amount paid by You for the service in question.

Unit 1-4 Greenhall Farm
Bramfield Road
SG14 2FD

Copyright © Hertfordshire Garden Machinery Ltd.

01992 500 290

Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 07:30 to 16:30
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Bagma Symbol of Service Badge